View Profile Crabba22
"Whent the bullets start flying...hit the deck." -Ryan Yap/ asian...guy

Age 32, Male


Some school


Joined on 10/14/07

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Crabba22's News

Posted by Crabba22 - September 29th, 2009

Scene opens up...

your in a meadow...

all is peacful....all your troubles have gone far away...

you realize.

your're a kid again...

This is Mind Implosion


Wassup people! How is everyone on this fine... i wanna say monday...but i know thats wrong...i have no idea what day is it.

Well....let me tell you a bit about the back story of todays topic...

I had just finished attending a link meeting yesterday afternoon.
I needed a ride home...so i shamfully asked my close friend Mallory for a ride...i don't like taking rides from her cause i don't wanna look like the d-bag person that bugs you for a ride and starts just being an overall jerk.

So we barely pull out of the parking lot...when mallory plays this song...she says "you need to listen to this song it is on so and so's profile" .

She plays it and it happens to be Owl City's "Fireflies" i have never heard this song before and i instantly thought it was catchy.
Later on mallory had to exit the car and greet an old aquaintence...which at this point i proceeded to "steal" her car...i will drive her car one day.

None the less i went home to go download the song...after uploading it on to my iPod i was hooked. i might have listened to it a good 10 or more times...hanging on to every word....the song made sense and i found something that i thought i lost.

My inner child....

I found the whole child side of me....

since school has been so unforgiving and i keep struggling in my freakin economics class... (HOLY CRAP!) i really just needed to buckle down and just act my age if you can even call it that...but i did notice that i have goten more dirty with my jokes and a little more mature with my content.

Listening to that song reminded me of all the crazy and silly stuff i did as a kid. we all remeber those time...as much as we might want to forget about them we do. whats ironic is that im listening to the song right now on iTunes....anyway...back to childhood memories...i member wanting to grow up and be a gas station attendant...i have no idea why i chose that job...it jsut seemed like the most awesomest job every...i had no clue about college and why we actually had to go to school. i also remeber wanting to grow up to be a Firetruck! yep those were the days.

I also remeber all my little moments in life that just gave an extra amazment to childhood. my first time i went on a roller coaster...the first time i jumped in a lake...my first near death experience. I'm really shocked how much i member. I mean any one can. you just need to find something to trigger those memories....like maybe a situation or a special dish or visual cue.... i get most of my memories when im harrasing my parents when they try to sleep.

I dont know about you, but i miss those days...yeah we may not have had all the freedom we have now, or the ability to properly use the restroom...without the company of an adult, but think about it... times back then were simpler and we did not have a care in the world....only thing we had to worry about was what we wanted to eat and drink. (i prefer a nice slice of pizza and a capri-sun lemonade...i still do today) our parents took care of everything....and now look at whats up

We are totally busy trying to find work or get certain assignments in on time, worrying about deadlines....responsibility happened. it was inevitable.

the best solution to the constant burden of the world is to revert to our more childish side once and a while...just sit there and play with blocks one day and remeber the times when you were THIS tall. i dont know about you but i think one cool option would be...instead of remebering the good ol' days, i would rather just have one day to meet my younger self and just give him a hug, then tell him about how amazing life is gonna be later on, and i would tell him to watch out for a girl named mallory who he'll meet later on in life, and about a boy named Nick who will end up being your trusted co-host and best friend, and about the future mormon boy named Jt, one of your best buds in the future, and that little crew in 7th hour full of hispanic inuendo, can't forget the crew of asians that will teach you (past me) about swag, or the dinamic duo that will totally try to one up you all the time and recommend cool books. I can picture it now...the huge smile on my face when i hear all this stuff from my future self...then, we would proceed to play with legos and go to chuck e' cheese


well i think for this week video i think the music video for Fireflies should be appropiate. sorry the quality is sucky all the official videos had embedding disabled

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Posted by Crabba22 - September 26th, 2009

Scene opens...mist is everywhere...

then its just you...you open your eyes, and you realize your strapped to a medical bed.

You notice a man with a lab coat...his eyes only visible

You hear him say "Begin the procedure."

your eyes widen and a shockwave goes through your whole body as your mind turn inside out...

This...is Mind Implosion


So here is the dealio... alot of crap has been going on and i kinda got side tracked, sorry in advance...now i bring you an extra special...extra juicy, video AND image combo of Mind Implosion!

So as i said my week hasn't been going that great...girl trouble...people annoying me...my own thoughts betraying me...you know the regular stuff.

As i lay on my bed facing my ceiling, alone with my thoughts...out of no where it hits me.
This short burst of rage and emotion. i sit up...and i try to wonder what jsut happened. it felt like something was trying to break out of me...like the aliens from Aliens. no assure you all this was all just mental and emotional feeling...i did not really jolt up with the feeling like some parasite was growing inside me.

That day i realized that my emotions have been left inside me to fester into this thing. Figuretively speaking of course.

Emotions are the essence of the human soul. it is one of the many things that seperate us from other beings. after much thought and anaylzaton. i have come to the conclusion that your emotions...if left uncheck can form into this thing that you may not like.

i have so many example to this feeling i just hope that i can get to all of them. sorry if most of them are video game realated or movie related.

I want to introduce this idea of your emotional self.

Im not talking about your more sensitive side or your more emo persona...im talking about the person that your emotions embody. This emotional being...is your ideal person...like in the matrix...it is what your mind percieves as your ideal self. it has every quality that you wish you had. you can go even further to say that it might dress a certain way and its personallity differs from yours.

Now im not talking about multiple personalities disorder..but the way people wear mask all the time...i would say that everyone has multiple personalities disorder.

Now your emotional self never "shows" up physically...so you won't talk to yourself or anything like that. to make this a little easier to understand...i would say your "darker side" is what im talking about. Darker does not mean evil really. I think everyone has another side to them that really comes out when emotions are surpressed. Like for me...my other side is one who really just doesn't care...its not all about jokes and laughter like me, it wants to outrage and burst out in a rampage. the est way to describe my other side is a combination of Kratos' intesity from god of war...along with the philosophical intensity of Morpheus from the Mtrix along with the dark rage of Dark Jak from jak and daxter maybe some cool colective ness of bruce lee... but now im just making my other side look really cool.

YOur all probably think im crazy now " this guy has another personality...he's nuts"
everyone has an alter ego...the one that they picture themselves...thier ideal mental projection.

You might not always personify your emotions as one being. they might come out individually. Rage might let loose and then your a machine unstoppable, saddness might take over and your the epidimy of emo...the cutting kind, happy ness might just overwhelm you and you start acting like some kids show mascot...barney perhaps? YOu just might have those days when one emotions rules over the rest of the body. whats really important is that your never give it full control. Since im emboding emotions...i would say each individual emotion can't think properly, rash, and unreasaonble...as i said they are there own person. Its imperitive that you never lose sight of who you are.

YOur main self, is who has control...you can't let the control loose to your combinde emotion persona, and you can't just give the controls to one specific emotion....why do you think we have emos and anger management jerks? Its important not to let Tyler Durden Win (HA Fight club reference...TAKE THAT JENNY AND KAMERIN!)

The solution to this emotional imbalence...its our job as the individual to take control and either defeat the unessecary emotions like fear and cowardice, and keep them in check. we also need to try and express your ideal self on a physical level...now if your other side is rambo and likes to kill people...i don't suggest you go and rip someones throat off. we need to take control of it grab it by the throat and take the things we need. take the strengthe that eludes you, take the courage that you fail to find, take the ability to stand up on your own when you lie face down in the dirt, take the rage and anger and turn it into something productive when you punch kids teeth out.

i guess thats it...i really have no idea why i went with this topic...maybe it is just me who's feelign conflicted. i feel like my inner self wants to just freaking go berserk. go God of War on every problem.Let the rage flow out and obliterate everyone.

but i don't...i know who i am... its my job to keep my chakra in check (naruto reference stupid i know)

Never lose sight of who you are...even when your emotions confilict with each other. mind of a jedi...(HA starwars reference!)

I guess this kinda has to do with the made interviews at school. MTV's MAde came to our school to do interveiws...i guess i reall wanted to be made into some one who knows no limits... a kickboxer/MMA fighter/ninja/God of War/ All around bad ass...but im not one to be a bad ass...one can be too bad ass.

Thanks for tolerating a very emotional Edition of Mind Implosion. sorry if it got too weird or something...just wanted to vent i guess... i had a point in there somewhere?

YOu know what next entry ill be more funny so i can get over my retarded state. Just gotta grow a depression beard and your emotions won't bother you.


Speaking of god of war here is the tralier for the third installment...im so freakin excited! now if only i had money to get a PS3. *if you can't see the video in HD i recomend you go to youtube directly to watch it is is freaking amazing!

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Mind Implosion: Emotions...The Caged Beasts Within

Posted by Crabba22 - September 21st, 2009

Scene opens up...its just you sitting at the computer, the glow of the screen on your face.

Then the screen goes blue and


This is Mind Implosion


So a little update for those who actually give a crap about my life and those around me. iv'e been sick for like a weekend...probably cause off all those freaking football game germs. yeah i blame mcDonalds. i got grounded, read a novel, etc.

so i go to school, and my body is ackey and everything is just sore and things start going wrong.

I spill crap on the shirt i was gonna wear so i find a new shirt, the bus is like an hour late, i was really tired, i fell down, failed two Econ test, pussed out on talking to this girl i like, and went a little nuts in 21st century math.

i obviously just got over being sick

Everything seems to go wrong after being sick..well...not all the time, the best thing is after your sick everything gets uuber good.

I was sick and it was jsut suck

Being sick is not fun. there are specific types of sick mind you and here comes another list thingy....you ready?

-Regular sick
your nothing special just sick, drinking fluids, bed rest the works. you have some sickness that is mildly bad but nothing too serious

-The faker
yeah kinda self explantatory... you not sick you just did something that convinced your parents that your sick allowing you to stay home and just slcak off all day. during the day oyu play games and do little side missions to keep your "sickness" up so your parents don't know.

-Uuber sick kid
your sick all the time and your either catching something or your getting over something. your mostly likely gonna know a bunch of crap aobut diseases and how they affect the body and you have mega allergies and you refuse to live you life. now these people either have all this in their head and think they are sick all the time, or they really are this really sick kid whose limbs are gonna fall off.

-The zombie
this person is really sick... im not even kidding they are so sick they should be going to a doctor. but they don't you know what they do? they go to school and they go out and they jsut spread the disease. they are lumbering around trying to live their life and do their normal scedule when their bodies obviously cannot. i saw this one kid one time, when i was a kid...He had freakin chicken pox! and he was playing around in a public playground...i know it is a free country but seriously doy ou really want to be the guy that started this freaking pandemic? that day i was super paranoid of the moneky bars and the swings...

-mildly sick peeps
these people are usually healthy all the time, but they jsut got unlucky and came dwn with something. their immun system could be really strong that al they really get will be like a stuffy nose and a light cough and some sneezing. theyw ill recovery in about three days maybe more maybe less depending on the person

-T-Virus victim
These people will lumber around and be like a zombie wandering the streets in search of human flesh, infecting any thing they come in contact with. as a result of the T-Virus they can withstand tons of damage and go for days with out any sustanence. there is no cure the only cure is elimination. a blunt truama or attack to the infectees brain, resulting in the destruction of the brain will stop them. the virus collects at the back of the brain. be cautious in disposal as all limbs and parts are infectious untill burnt.

So being sick is not fun and either way it wil;l take a toll on you. now some might say that when they get sick they get special treatment and they get to sleep in etc. thats all good, but may i remind you that you are battle a disease that is doing major harm to your body? any hamr that comes to your body, will need to be combatted and your body does not do that on autopilot...you need to help too. stay in bed drink fluids yatta yatta yatta.

this concludes another edition of Mind Implosion!

While you try clean up the brain juice that has leaked out of your head from the floor, i would like to thank everyone for reading and taking time to actually give a crap. you simpathy is greatly apreciated. come back on wednesday for another entry. hope you enjoy the new banner.

*This entry is gladly dedicated to Ms. Mallory (last name omitted so she wont gett stalked or you know...the other thing) she's sick right now and i wish her a speedy recovery. Be praying for you mallory Feel better soon!


yeah this is what it is like being sick and playing retro games all weekend...pay attention to 1:55 yeah thats the stuff

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Posted by Crabba22 - September 16th, 2009

Once agian you come to your computer to read a blog entry in hopes to get your brains imploded!

Another edition of Mind Implosion coming your way

So let me tell you whats going on...life is slowly getting complicated and i owe it all to the female species...men were never meant to fully understand women and women are never meant to fully understand men. so im having girl troubles and life all of a sudden gets a little more hectic.

but thats not my topic so i won't bore you any further.


so i decide to tag along with my dad to attend a city council meeting. The discussion was revisiting the vote to remove the public transportation service to and from the metropolitan area. now this bus helps alot and brings people like my dad to work without having to spend so much freakin money on gas. plus if my dad takes the bus that means i get the car..so i don't have to take the crappy busses and have to deal with loud mouth sophmore juniors talk about retarded crap. they get so freakin loud sometimes it jsut really drives me to go and just pwn them repeatedly, with a SPOON!

so im at this meeting taking notes so i can get some points for my journalism class and be able to have a story to write. the meeting starts and its all professional and stuff. people came up to speak the works. i do remeber this one guy came up to talk...his name was mister Peace. all i remeber is that he had a cool African accent and i was all "this guys is cool"

So moving on..i start to look at the council members...and then i remember, one of the council members is the father of this weird mormon kid in sohpmore year. apparently he graduated as a sohpmore in high school and i think he is in college. i think he said it had to do with that his dad was a council member and they found some loophole...watever you want to go to colege as a high school sohpmore...let me tell you...your missing out on prom and graduating with your friends and most of all you missed out on your high school senior year.. Good job MORON! but the good part was that he had less schooling and less schooling sounds pretty good to me.

so then this guys starts opposing every comment and he is so close to voting no on the proposition. im like whispering to my dad

" if they all vote no i will freaking get up all calming and just rais my hands in up roar and yell ANARCHY! and rip my shirt open to reveal a painted on anarchy symbol magically on there, then i would proceed to flip tables and smash computers and punch each council member in the face."

just as a reminder i do not support anarchy as i beleive that it is a failed movement that will fail every time that it is every applied. the reason i cam up with this is because i was falling asleep and i was really tired.

SO in the end the council voted yes and we had the bus service for 6 more months. on e of the council members said that all the local transit companies should pay attention or else they would look like fools later.

at this point i thought that when he said this i would slowly get up and be all " council member...its just me..." and with a mexican accent be all " i use red scooter and i have a box...you get in the box...i take you to city...5 dollar." i was craking up inside.

SO after they voted yes everyone later was talking about

"Oh you just witnessed democracy happen."

really? i jsut saw some people try to convince a group of elders in vain to make there point the council voted yes out of pity. but i might be missing something"

so yeah i guess i did witness democracy just happened...so good for me.

but wat if the outcome came out bad...wat if the council voted no.

i thought about this and then i tell my dad

"if they had voted no..while everyone was all griping, i would get up in and abrupt up roar and yell ANARCHY!, rip my shirt and jump through the window and run into the night!"

my dad laughed...

"or even better i get up yell ANARCHY and i pull my shirt over my head and be all I AM CORNHOLIO! and then go beserk and flip tables and crush chairs and then jump out the window?"

My dad laughed a bit harder gving one of those old people out of breath laughs.

"Or even WAY better...i yell ANARCHY!, pull my shirt like Cornholio and then runn full force at the window and jump through it but...i don't break the glass? you just hear a thud and i get knocked out and everyone gasps?

At this point my dad was laughing histerically and i swear i saw a little laugh tear.

what ended the trip for me was that i met this lady that looked and sounded like the female version of cheech from cheech and chong. could of been his wife man.

So HOORAY! for democracy, i love it and it feels good to do watever you want in Amurica!
to an extent anyway...

so we learned that democracy is great and that Cornholio outbursts are hilarious, and Anarchy fails everytime...but it is fun to yell during a council meeting everytime you hear something unfavorable.

There you have it, your Mind Implosion for the day...i really think i should be doing this every other day...ill try to do one everyday but most likely i wont due to the amount of work i get in school

Have a wicked sweet time



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Posted by Crabba22 - September 14th, 2009

Hello everyone...today was quite a good day...i was able to talk to someone new today...and my favorite podcast is back...WMR LIVES!

So today im eating lunch. its lunch time a time to relax.

And im like...this would make an awesome topic for a blog post.

so here we go the guide to lunch time

people you see and stuff that will keep you from being a loner.

first lets start with some minor rules and stuff to get your situated.

First rules of lunch room eticate

1. Try to find a table that is clean and close to the lunch lines, not too close then you'll just get a bunch of traffic from stupid pushy hungry fat people that NEED THERE PUDDING NOW!

2. Once you have obtained a table make sure that you claim this table. tables in the lunch room are like land... you need to claim your stake and just watch over thy table. the record for me is 79 days sitting at the same table until these nerdy girls with their RC cola jsut plopped down and sat at our table. it was a sad day. so claim your table and make sure you have representatives to claim the table in case you get to the lunch room a little late.

3. So you got your table, but the thing is you don't bring a lunch from home...this means you have to go and get up and go get in line to get food. what you need now are trust worthy people to "seat check" its like insurance for your seat, this person insures that no new comer will just barg in and steal your seat like a D**che. the worst thing is to come back and have some gugalo take your seat or some rude chick who never sits at our table just come in and be in your seat and your crap is just thrown everywhere on the dirty counter.

4. last thing is you want to make sure you protect your land. make sure that only those approved to sit at your table are closest to you unless you want to end up sitting next to some intruder who constantly asks if you are gonna eat your fries. you can't really force people out of the table but you can pretty much ignore and move closer to your brain trust of friends to avoid the mooch or intruder.

SO you have gained a table and are able to protect and maintain a close knit of people withen the table. So what about the journey to get lunch?
so you have three options. you either brought lunch form home, are gonna get food from the lunch cart, or get food in the lunch line.

5. when obtaining lunch from the lunch cart be sure to get ther EARLY! the lunch cart lines will fill up fast. this is becasue the lunch cart supplies food that is quick and more favaroable to the young people. this includes canned drinks and spicy popcorn chicken and spicy chicken sandwhichs which are good. prices are decent but the line will fill up. i suggest if you cant get there early to try and fuze within a friend who is in line and back cut them in a seamless and sneaky way. making sure not to anger or rile anyone up then a brawl is iminate.

6. when obtaining lunch from the lunch line which, has government issue food, be sure to go find the lunch lady that is the nicest. this will give you quick access plus the lady won't be a jerk when your mom forgets to put money in your account or when the school is just too slow to process the money. she will usually just smile and have faith in you that you will bring the money the next day. if you do bring the money the next day, then bonus points for you.

7. within the lunch line you must be sure to tread lightly and quickly. make sure you have a bubble of space to call your own and make sure you don't rub elbows with anyone, this will result in conflict half the time and usually an angry black kid will start freakin out at you becasue you got food on his shirt...when in fact you haven't even gotten any food yet. jerk

8. when selecting and entree make sure your choice looks edible. if it looks like your gonna be in a hospital room getting your stomach pumped or have diahrea for a week DON'T GET IT! just play it safe and get the most appetizing thing there. (this is subjective for poeple find different things appetizing)

So we have our food and stuff...now to reveiw the people you might see around the lunch room

-The Mooch/gugalo
this guy is usually gonna situate himself at your table almost everyday. the only thing he does is watch each person come back from getting food and ask, "can i have some?" or " Are you gonna eat that?" this will get annoying after like the bagillionth time and you just want him to go away. whats even worse is that this person will most likely be oblivious to the emotions of the people around the table. try to vote him off the island as soon as possible.

this person is the one that will jsut pop up and be in your seat when you come back. you never seen them and they just decide to sit there. now, that is ok for like a couple times...but usually they will sit there everyday and half the time steal your seat and have no respect for the seat check. most of the time they will be there flirting with one of your lunch table trustees...even when she has a boyfriend.

-Your lunch table trustees
these are your knights of the round table...only no one is King Arthur. these people will check your seat and be willing to host mini lunch pot lucks when food is plentyfull. these are most likely your good friends and won't be jerks.

-The black squad
there will most likely be jsut a huge crowd of black/minority people at one table and will start making a ruckus. what is really weird is that usually they will be at the table directly behind or in front of you. either that or they can get so rowdy that you hear them across the lunch room. if your lucky you get some cool black/minority people tables that won't ruin your lunch expereince...and won't start fights becasue one guy did not want to join this other guys dance crew.

-Moochy Maginskee
this person will most likely not be a gugalo they will mainly mooch food unlike the gugalo mooch in which mooches food and money. you might not see much difference but trust me there is... ive seen a moochy macginskee sink so low as to ask if she could mooch your air.

-Quiet reader/quiet people in general (cool)
these people will most likely just eat and read and are really cool. they will engage in conversations and won't be a jerk. the uncool ones are just there and will be the loner and will most likely be reading twilight *BLAH!*

-Weird anime d-bags.
these people are the anime obsessed and will most likely be talking about stupid crap most likey yoai *double BLAH!* and will start showing poorly draw versions of anime characters.they will most likely be wearing retarded anime parafanalia, ripped or faded. these people jsut annoy the crap out of you...so they are mostly harmless.

is that everyone??? if i missed anyone let me know in the comments box if your a member or on my myspace if your my frined...im not quite ready to make my myspace public becasue well..who really cares?

so that concludes this edition of Mind Implosion. thanks for reading and come back tomorrow for a new edition...where the topic will be unkown and be changed a couple of times.

WHEN FOOD ATTACKS! lunch would be so much better with food to defend your table, can you say illegal food fighting?

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Posted by Crabba22 - September 11th, 2009

So i wasn't able to do a post the other day i had so much stuff to do. i went to get my gradutation things purcahsed etc. and now there is a game today. i dont really care about that but what ever... so apparently i am gonna get "hooked up" so we will see how that works out and stuff.

so we all know what today is

three years ago a bunch of extremist arabs hijacked a plane and destroyed the twin towers in New York killing a butt load of people.

we never forget..you know the works.

now on this day of rememberance...what do we do?

now let me tell you personally what happend today.
NO one really talked about it. I actually had to remind some people that today was 9/11
NOw im thinking some people will say that it is jsut another day. and these people are totally wrong. a tragic event happened on American Soil...stuff like that doesn't happen everyday. So i acutally suggest that we get today off from school in order to mourn properly.

but like that is gonna happen...to many holidays in between. labor day thn 9/11 day??? yeah that wouldn't work

my sencierest condolencess to the ones who actually loss anyone to that horrible incident.

we all remeber what we did on that day...as with every tragedy that happens we all member what we were doing at that time...

so my personal story of what i did on 9/11 on that fateful monumental morning.

i had stayed home from school cause i was sick or something...then the news jsut starts blaring and freakin Terrorist etc....

i had no idea what was going on..then it sunk in. i was like holy crap...WHY?

then my mom starts to have a mini freak out cause my dad needs to go through the twin towers to get to work. Thats when i freak out too.

luckly my dad was able to get to a safe distance when all the things unfolded. when he got home his shoes were really dusty and he had his handkerchief around his mouth.

apparently he was late for work, so he was barely entering the twin towers building when he felt like a shake and smelled gasoline...he immdiately ran outside and saw the second plane form the side of the building...he just booked after that..he ran until it was safe and then proceded to find a pay phone to contact us. he siad that the streets were very hectic and that sirens were balring more loudly than usual.

that day alot of people died.

no questions asked.

what really annoys me are those people who start making up conspiracy theories about that we could have prevented all this etc.
seriously do me a favor and just STFU. those people still died and we can't change the out come by jsut making speculations and theories. all that is, is looking for a scapegoat

maybe one day conspiracy theorist will be considered smart.

so to pay my respects today i planned on praying at the flag pole. the problem was my school doesn't have one. well theres one on the football feild but i can't be there in the morning,one in the fornt of the school but that is off campus,and one in campus with no flag on it. so instead i just silently prayed for the lives of everyone here for the ones who have the privage of bbeing alive today and i prayed for the ones who did lose their lives today that they might find peace.

i suggest you go pay your respects too, its our duty, as americans.(if you don't your probably commie or a terrorist or you jsut don't mourn over public losses) so go pray or visit ground zero. light a candle have a moment of silence or something. but i rarely think that wearing red white and blue are gonna pay tribute to those people...sounds like pay tribute to america...which is ok but the focus should be on those lost on this day.

so give thanks that you still have the gift of breath and pay tribute.

God bless.

thanks for reading...next topic...idk

i really don't think a video will be very apropriate right now...we already saw it happen and we are probably gonna see it a bunch of times from the insensitive news channels. so...no video

Posted by Crabba22 - September 9th, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to another entry of Mind Numbing Elixer...does that name sound good i was gonna go with Mind distortion but that name is used for a web sight but i like it. maybe something else would be better...wait i got it...The Mind Implosion! yep thats good so this is another entry of Mind Implosion

i wasn't able to go to school today due to some troubling pain in my shoulders and sides. i honestly could not move when i woke up this morning. so i stayed home...sue me its only one day. but i hold true to my one entry per day.

so here we go

100% Enviormentally friendly

Mind Implosion's view on The Enviorment

If you've seen the news at all latly, you've noticed that people have particularly been paying attention to our enviorment and striving for more eco friendly processes.

with the release of Gore's inconvient truth and all the global warming hype going around your probably saying "i should go right now and SAVE THE PLANET!"

first off i would like to say "hold your horses Captain Planet"

The earth does not need "saving" at what point did people decide that it did need saving? Was it ever in trouble?

My answer is no, it's not in need of saving...

i owuld say that the world does not need saving due to the fact that i beleive that the earth was created to be self sustaining...the earth has a purpose and no amount of global warming and pollution will kill it until it's purpose is carried out.

this by no means you should start shoot garbage into our o-zone and start pollution like crazy and start driving huge cars around town.

i do admit that the earth is pourly taken care of thats the main point here. we were given sole dominion over the earth. it is our job to take care of it and treat it as one of our greatest possesions. we need to monitor and take care of it. The difference with trying to save the earth and taking care of it are tha actions taking for each situation.

when you say you wanna save the earth you start doing extreme things that you beleive will start saving the planet.

for instance, not driving to work when your commute is like 2 hours away, not using grooming products, using wood fires to heat your home, and cutting off any luzury that you think is "destroying the earth"

it also does not help when you go off ranting about how Global warming is getting so out of and that it is all our fault and you just start freaking out and foam at the mouth and end up marrying a tree.

this would be considered a global warming extremist.
Listen people the global warming is not gonna kill the earth anytime soon unless it is our time then it would not be the global warming's fualt why we all died it owuld just be our time.plus it is not our fault that global warming is happening. global warming just happens but it doesn't help that we are kinda accelerating it a bit.

the thing is you need to think reasonably and always...well think!

some good ideas to be eco friendly and not be an extremist would be

-taking shorter showers
-sav electricity
-get a fuel efficient car
-be kind to the enviorment and pick up around yourself
-dont waste resources
-think organic but don't get too extreme

The thing is that if what extremist want is that we abondon all forms of producing that harm the enviorment and revert to more simpler and sort of primal wasy of living to "save" the planet

the fact of the matter is that we can't just stop the proccess of madernazation. we are constantly evolving and discovering new things. we need to be able to incorporate the acceleration of technology and be eco friendly at the same time.

now i may not know alot about what is going on with this whole debate...i only know what iv'e heard and by what ive discovered as well as what i beleive. im jsut stating this for the sole purpose of stating some sense and trying to find some outrageousness withen the topic. its up to you to make your own assumptions about global warming and wheter theearth needs "saving" or not

but what we really need is

if he was real then everything would be solved and the earth will be fine. plus we can have a bunch of teenagers with magical rings able to produce fire wind water earth and Heart?

i never really understood the heart guy...he was pretty much useless when they were in a tough and compromising situation.

i mean do you really need to figure out the feelings of the situation to figure out that the building is on fire and that there is a bomb in the basement that wil bring the entire building crumbling down?


so since captain lpanet isn't real...we'll just have to take steps to helps rejuvinate the earth.

i think people should say we are rejuvinating the earth other than saving it...we are trying to bring it into a more healthy state not save it from imminate danger.

well thats the end of a very controversial topic and i hope i did not offend people too much.

come back tomorrow for another entry of Mind Implosion

tomorrow's topic...well i don't know guess im playing it by ear

don't forget to check out any entries you might of missed, not to mention to check back to the birthday entry..i edited some content i mistakenly forgot to mention. go check it out

Thanks for REading!

CAPTAIN PLANET! The Power is Yours!

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and the outro...don't you feel special two videos in one entry...well i feel extra genrerous today :)

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Posted by Crabba22 - September 8th, 2009

so hope everyone enjoyed there three day weekend cuase i sure did. wason a boat and it was fun there was ths raft that pulled you and stuff and its fun...until you get home then your just sore as heck and all your muscles hurt and you just wanna jump in a bath tub full of icy hot...on second thought that's not such a great idea,the smell would be unbearble and the thought of icey hot near the crotch region is unthinkable.

so this is the end, the time has come

One shall stand and one shall fall!

no really this is the last part to my four part series of the heirarch of high school hope you guys enjoyed it cause IM NEVER DOING IT AGAIN!. talking about school can be risky but it gets my point across, but ill think aobut doing a series along the way who knows.

so here we go the final frontier!

as you can tell im a senior and alot of awesome hype will be generated but il try to keep it to a miniumum.

so seniors are the last evolutionary form of the species here in the heirarchy that is high school. it is also the most covetted and most sacred spots in high school. no really this is not just hype. if your a charmander (freshman/sophmores) you probably dream of being a Charizard!

so yes, making another pokemon reference and analogy, i would consider sneiors to be charizards. just like the other evolutionary forms we hole the same charertistics. charizard is still arrogant and has much pride and is quite magestic if youa sk me. and so far seniors are just like that. we are proud at the fact that we are seniors and we are sometimes arrogant because well we are seniors. DUH! senior have much passion, it burns within us and we jsut wanna breath it out and toast everyone, like charizard. don't worry sice we are all fire type pokemon evidently...then the fire schorching brought about the charizard clan will help to evolve the other charmanders ans charmileons. what i mean by this is that when our passion and pride pours out in the form of school participation and hype etc. it spreads to the rest of the other classes to help boost there morale so to speak. its our voice that helps to endure and make a differenc against the heirarchy...and help it too. the administration is there to control. like the matrix..the seniors would be considered as The One. we can change anything in the matrix and we can alter it. we also have the ability to free minds. this meaning we can influence the other calsses to act as well. we are the organizers and we are also sometimes a little immature. i have encountered many seniors who are more like Agent Smith. (woah another Matrix reference...i watched it over the weekend.) people who are more like Agent Smith then they are the immature and abusers of power. they also can change what they like withen the matrix (matrix meaning school living) but at most times they do it for the worst. they just spread the virus and just produce more Smiths. you would be considered a smith if

-advocate the continuation of stupid tradions that harm more than help
-suport hazing of charmanders
-abuses the power of the One to spread there influence in a negative way
-affect the administration in a non- healthy way of protest.
-write stupid grafitti in the middle of campus saying "2009 Seniors" like an idiot. (crappest senior prank,idk if it really was a senior prank)

so thats the bad side of seniors. NOw the good seniors,The One, they do everything that keeanu reeves displayed in all three movies. if you portray these symptoms then yoe...are...The One along with a bunch of other good people

-YOu affect the administration using helthy ways of protest and petition
-you voluntarily and happily participate in school functions
-you help and influence charmanders in acheiving opened mindedness.
-you befriend more then argue with your teachers and actually present valid conversations with them. (thats not as important but its a plus and it makes you more like Neo)
-you graduate period. (MUY IMPORTANTE!)
-you can stop bullets by just holding your hand up.*
*the author suggests you don't try this for no one is truly like Neo cause the movies are not true and are complete works of fiction, trust me!

So what have we learned?
- We learned that seniors are like Charizards, we are the last evolution of our species, that is the high school student, and we share the same characteristics of a charizard, proud, arrogant, and magestic.
-We are like Neo/Agent Smith, able to affect the enviorment around us and influence people for better or for worse.
-we can't stop bullets by just holding out your hand
-Charizard is an awesome pokemon to use analogies for.

Being a Senior is awesome, there is so much freedom and we hold so much power. but its overwhelming at times and it can get pretty fustrating, trust me i have like a bunch of essays to right in one afternoon. Once you get here however it is such an achievment. Its one of those acheivments you get on X-Box live that you start yelling and jumping around. you never forget that feeling...well until you get out of school cause then THAT is even better!

So this is for all my Senior brethen who like to be like Neo. We are Charizards and we stand tall!
help the charmanders for they are the charizards of tomorrow, and vanguish the Agent Smiths for they are corrupting or way of life (high school ife anyway)


thanks for reading hope you caught up with the series cause well im gonna hold off of series for a while. i rather jsut do a topic that pops up...keeps it fresh. jsut hoped you liked it and make sure to keep checking back...i think ill do tomorrows entry on the enviorment...thats gonna be quite contraverisial...but ill do it anyway because im tired of yelling global warming extremist...yes we have those... yelling to stop killing the earth and to "save" the earth. but thats for tomorrow.



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Posted by Crabba22 - September 5th, 2009

ok here is the dealio...

so this weekend was hectic and the pressure is on. so i go to do my post on thursday...AND NEWGROUNDS WOULD NOT LET ME ACCESS MY ACCOUNT! i guess they had problems with their servers cause, everytime i tried to log in it said that it could not access the newgrounds server at this time. i was mad. but i took it as a good thing and it gave me a little break. i went to the freshman football frenzy painted some faces and arms. danced. ate pizza and then i had to go record the game and we loss...it wasn't a good day for the maricopa rams...oh well hopefully we'll dominate next game.

so anyway on to business../here is my blog post that i forgot to get to.


so we went over two catagories so far. we took a look at freshman and how they are like the new immigrants coming to our country. we saw how sohpmores act like they are all that jsut because they leveled up once... when infact they just barely shedded the first layer of immature skin. now we look at the next class...Juniors

id like to think of juniors kinda like a charmelion. you know the first evovultion form of charmander?
cause the freshman are charmanders and sophmores are bigger charmanders and juniors are charmelions and seniors are CHARIZARDS! but thats a story for another day.

so juniors are charmelions and if you think about it they act sorta like charmelions...if you ever saw the show Pokemon...you know that charmelion was like all laid back and was extremely indepedent and acted very jerk like to Ash. so juniors are a little like this. they are a little more independent but more to the se3nse of high school life. the heirarchy doesn't really need to watch over them as much and hold thier hand all the time. they kinda act jerk like too. they find this new arrogant strenth and cockyness that a charmelion would express. thye figured out that they are one level away from the top and they see them selves in a high standing so they sometimes let it get ot their heads. this isn't the case as some people treat this stage as a transition ot greatness. like a junior would start to grow awesome only to be fully amazingly awesome when they reach their finaly evolve form.

juniors will most likely be oblivious to the real world. and i say this i mean it in an outwardly way. they sometimes think that since they are almost senior, that they know everything about surviving in high school and they start giving advice and think they can be a guru or something.

the reality of it is is the knowledge or advice they might hold will most likely be of high school life...nothing mroe nothing less. any advice given will most likely only apply to dealing with hgih school. they don't really know how to function in the REAL world cause they think they are gonna be in high school or life is just like high school. which we all know is...TOTALLY WRONG!

they will soon figure out that life is not as forgiving and they will have to aquire experience to actually start to scratch the surface of any understanding of the reality.

don't get me wrong not all juniors give bad advice i just really have'nt seen any juniors display any real hard hitting philosophical thought that can apply to reality. or maybe i have i can't realy remeber ive been hiding in a cramp spot for a while and i kinda lost it for a bit... don't ask me how it happend it just kinda did.

so the final verdict when it comes to juniors is...

-1. they are charmileons..jerky and arrogent but laid back and chill
-2.they might only have philosophical sense when it comes to high school living but not always
-3. they might have little knowledge of reality.
-4.hiding in cramp spots will make you dizzy and stuff

just for the record juniors aren't that bad...they just have a ways to go.

so that is it for today...i finally was able to post another entry and i hope it made up for my absense if not then ill think of a subject that might get you thinking.

keep checking us out and helping us out.

i might not be able to post a new entry on monday due to the fact that im gonna be ON A BOAT! but ill see what i can do.

now i have this sudden urge to go play pokemon and get a charmander... id have to say that the charmander is on of the coolest pokemon ever! next to freakin charizard and blastoise!
and by what ms. Mallory Kraus tells me that piplup is the cutest on of the next generation of pokemon. but watever. and as for nick well he doesn't need pokemon cause...HE'S ON A BOAT!

thanks for reading

finally video! POKEMON! gotta chatch em all, i know its my destiny!
these guys made the theme song gay and its the extended version but the asian part is hilarious

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Posted by Crabba22 - September 2nd, 2009

so im not feeling that great today...today could have gone better, fewer people needed to stop when they crossed the line. im not putting blame on anyone and most likely they probably did not know that i was having such a crappy day so all is forgivin.

i'll just get straight to the topic due to the fact that...yeah

Next up in our list are


now i would consider these people as jsut a slightly matured version of freshman

FRESHMAN 2.0 basically

so to put this in perspective i would consider the sohpmores as the newly appointed apprentice that just inherited the shop and is on his own for the first time.

these people are rarely annoying but at times they can get so irritating. im mean they go around acting like they are king of the worl just because they are not freshman anymore.what really urks me is that they go out to pick on freshman like the have been doing it for a long time.

hello?! do you not notice your newly shedded freshman skin next you you your still a fairly lower class and there is someone hgiher than you that can walk along and just eat you to shreds.

if more sophmores go this idea it would be slightly more pleasant at school.
they go around like they are this almighty powerful wizard when in reality they just leveld up once and have a new rank

another analogy is that private in the military that just got to be a private first-class. and they go around treating that little "first-class" title like there a sergant or something.

now usually this is the part where i come up with some god thing aobut sophmores but i really can't i think the same good things with freshman apply with sophmores. i can say thought that the "heirarchy" teneds to not really care so much about this class becuase they are too occupied trying to deal with the new wave of freshman. they really just have more freedom and tend to abuse it... ALOT!

so the basic thing is that sophmores can GET annoying they are not nessisarily all going to be like that. as i said most of the stuff i said aobut freshman is gonna apply to sohpmores cause they really are just like an evovled form of the freshman.

SO like freshamn would be charmander and spohmores would be like an older charmander jsut not quite charmelion yet.

yeah thats a good analogy refernceing people to pokemon is always good.

well i don't knwo what to tell you guys but i think thats pretty much it. im not having a great day. but here i stand to deliver on my quota of a post per day leave your comments etc.

maybe tomorrow ill be in a better mood and be able to turn on the rantyness

thanks for reading i apperciate it and stuff guess ill see you tomorrow

(again no video this series is starting to produce no good videoage)