View Profile Crabba22
"Whent the bullets start flying...hit the deck." -Ryan Yap/ asian...guy

Age 32, Male


Some school


Joined on 10/14/07

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Crabba22's News

Posted by Crabba22 - September 1st, 2009

Sorry this post is a little late than i thought it would be.

im really starting to feel the pressure...i know it may not be like a whole bunch of presssure, i could stop whenever, but i really want this to go well and start cathing on so im committed to a new post everyday (excepts sundays)

The reason i couldn't get this post here sooner is

1. i was tired
2. i didn't really have a topic
3.my internet got wonky just as i got my idea
4.i was hungry

so many of you guys can understand these reasons and let me off the hook. if not we can do this battle royale style and start mugging the crap out of each other

So as i said i din't really have a solid idea set. so im on myspace trying to get this blog advertised and my good friend/co-host Mr. Nick Cook starts to chat with me on the myspace im. and thanks to him i have a solid idea to type about and really the topic is really in depth cause the fact is everyone has asked questions about each of the classes invovled with the topic that i really think that each one needs its own post...plus it will have you hungry for more blog wheat bread.

so here goes, part one of a four part series THE HIGH SCHOOL HEIRARCHY!

so high school can really be called a "heirachy". we have absolute rulers as well as leaders who will abuse there power and some will uphold the law! we also have people telling use that it's actually a democracy and that we students have a say in the operations of the "heirachy" when we actually don't and just exist to give the "heirachy" money...sound familar???

NO really does it sound familar cause i think ive heard of this before and can't really remeber where?

any way, so withen the "heirachy" we have the students which make the blood and some of the vital organs of the "heirachy"...we also make up the "heirachy's" wallet. but withen the student body we are also split. just like the caste system in india (not as bad mind you but could get jsut as bad in some cases) we are all split into groups.

lets start with the base and most common caste...

now these are the most common and most numerous of the "heirachy" and they know if the freshman get out of control then they could possibly topple them, so in a sense the "heirachy" is afraid of the freshman. Now one could say that the freshman are disposible and you could be right...not in the sense that some are gonna die in the process and are used for more dangerous task around the "heirachy", no more in the sense that if some leave they can easily be replaced. they are constantly more flooding in and their number increase each year. to put this in more of a perspective, consider the freshman as the peasants or the immigrants of the heirachy. they make up the back bone of the regime due to the sole fact that there numbers, bringing so many tax dollars to the "Heirarchy" and that they are most likley needing the most attention. if you let freshman run wild like wild .... zebras, im in a zebra mood today... then your gonna get a mass overthrownment and the order will collapse and the rest of the different castes will be unhappy and most likley retaliate with some sort of "counterattack" or be overpowered. now fact is that freshman are unable to organize affectively to cause this kind of change (with proper mind set and attitude yes the could make a differenc they do have a freakin huge group to do it). and by change i mean actually take part in attempting any invovlement with the higher ups out tof the student system. they're mind set is on one thing...either being cool or trying to survive.
personally i like the freshman who try to survive and actually do it with confidence and with a nice flare. those are the kind that a senior or any other higher class will enjoy taking under there wing. the bad thing is that most freshman are so caught in this high school enviorment and the overall achievment of popularirty that you won't get much "cool" freshman to take under your wing. at this point the higher ups (administration or the school office) will sometimes interveen to try and help the freshman and steer them away from this new mind set. in my school we have this thing called link crew. it basically consists of upper classmen that have a group of freshman to be there for them and guide them toward THE LIGHT! this is a good idea and does affect the freshman and so far ive seen a couple conversions...but there are still going to be stuborn freshman. now i really can't understand what drives them to adopt this rediculous mind set. we have all taken it. i guess we jsut get caught up due to the fact that we are thrown so violently into this strange new world and the first thing we think of is adapting and trying to fit in with the rest of the population. so basically primal instinct kick in. so as the freshman lumber aroun like cave people...in a nice way, we have the continuing struggle with them. most of the time they can get super annoying and you really just wann slap one to see if they'll short curcuit and fizzle out. but then you get the cool freshman that you can really talk to and you mentor them and soon you have your very own apprentice.

so not trying to bag to much on freshman...but they are annoying...and they need to be reprogrammed. just remeber that everyone was a freshman at one point. i was one...yeah hard to believe. so in order to reprogram them we need to stop hazing and just being over all major douches to them ... and wisely insert knowledgable habits and non-freshamn ideals...maybe some mentoring. so the goal here is to get multiple upperclassmen, preferably juniors and seniors to have multiple apprentices, and teaching them the way of the REAL WORLD!
its our jobs as upperclassmen to prevent the system from mentoring them...due to the fact that they usually will instinctively feel teritorial and reject any feedback on the other hand coming from a upperclssmen befriend them and showing them the right path..in which case they see a fellow young person, will actually give a crap to what your saying. I'd like to say that Link crew is providing this opprotunity and im honored to help out with the cause..even if it sometimes comes with side affects of headaches nausua etc.

Its cool to be like Mr. Myagi (you know from karate kid?)

always remeber to wax on and wax off.

so this concludes part one, tomorrow:Sophmores: YOU ONLY LEVELED UP ONCE! GOSH!
thanks for reading and i hope i did not offend any cool freshmen out there cause i would love to take on an apprentice. for the not so cool ones...well your on your own...that or find a master who will take you under his/her wing

One last thing when i mean "master" upperclassmen....dont let it get to your heads...yeah your a higher class, just don't be a constant d*ck about it and go about abusing your powers. cause then your just a douchebag.

comments always welcome and will be answered.

thanks again to Nick Cook for this great idea...WE ARE SO FREAKING CLOSE!
hope to be on air soon

honor givin to the MHS Link Crew for their services of guiding freshman toward THE LIGHT! and also for enlisting me as a Link Leader

I guess thats it.

(sorry couldn't find a decent video this time DEAL WITH IT! sh*t happens)

Posted by Crabba22 - August 31st, 2009

so once again i sit in front of my computer to type about something thats been on my mind.
you'll have to excuse me im a little tired due to the ammount of crap im doing. gonna be video taping the game on friday plus im helping out at the football frenzy with the freshman... ugg. i know but i shall show them THE LIGHT! plus im gonna be ON A BOAT SOON! which is awesome. my friend and co-host is going on a boat trip and he was kind enough to invite me. gonna be awesome.

so on to today's topic


so if you've been on the internet at all you know what a forum is. (either that or you live in a closet and get fed through a slot.) So your forums can range from a chat real time forum, or a BBS like the one on newgrounds or something else i jsut dont knwo about. (by the way for all you n00bs BBS stands for bulliten board system, for those newgrounds veterans you obviously know what im talking about)

So what are these forums for??/

well they are simple a place to act like a total douche!
no seriously ive been roaming the newgrounds forum for like over 7 months (not all at once im not a closet lurker)...its not pretty.
not only are there douchbags but the forum is littered with people who try to act "BIG". these kind of people are usually like what ...12 years old or younger who beleive that since they are online and now one can see the real them they can act all tough to hide the fact that there this wimpy kid and just freakin post stupid crap on newgrounds and usually rile up massive destruction, which will reslut in there utter demise (they get banned). NOw usually the forum is a place to talk about other crap. usualy they have a place to ask for advice and clubs crews etc. they even have topics talking about political stuff.

Well that was a mistake...anytime you try to sound profound or bring up any type of inquirery on any forum...ESPECIALLY about politics, someone is bound to start chewing you out.

they will either go all sophistacted on your ass and challenge your statement in a civilized matter only to be followed up with the casual "you suck" or "STFU" which is ok minus the STFU part. then you have freakin annoying forum people. they just bash your view and half the time they manage to say absolutely nothing at all. they just sound like they said something worth while, but in reality they just "bullcrapped" like a paragraph that could be shortly paraphrased to "you suck and i hate you and im a big boy now!"

now ive come to the conclusion that being on a forum ALL THE TIME just says you can't really get your thoughts and ideas throught the right way... by human interaction and talking and debating with people. Someone who is constantly on a forum is pictured to be someone who is like 40 years old and still lives with there parents...but in this economic state id probably wouldn't mind staying with my parents.

NOw not saying that if you stay on a forum all day means your a loser. some people actually do say some good stuff and will be on a forum all day to actually try to change perspectives and try to influence minds.

For these people i salute you! for those who ctually took any n00b bashing like a man (or women) and said profound thoughtful things in retaliation all in the name of initiating the thought process in others and to simmer down the little kids.

NOw i can't really say "STAY AWAY FROM ONLINE FORUMS!" your just gonna have to go try it out, if your into this kinda stuff then good for you just make sure not to be shuch a n00b about it. if you dont like it and prefer using normal interaction then thats ok too.

one thing though... i don't really suggest going into the newgroudns forum if your a forum virgin. its not pretty out there. but on the other hand there are some good topics on there.

Final verdict: online forums are not nice, they dont play nice and your always gonna find the occasional douchebag and have plenty of stupid n00bs posting stupid one word entries. there are good sides to forums though, if your able to find the most confortable forum for your agenda. forums also hold some good inciteful questions, topics, and disscusions.. you just gotta look. forums hold an infinite amount of ideals and views from all over the world which can amaze you...it also has a limitless load of crap that make you wanna punch your computer in the mouth. i think the basic idea is if your willing to sift through so much poopy poop to find the hidden gem inside...or not

me im not a big fan of roaming through poop so ill stick to chatting with friends and blogging and debating on economic stuff at school along with debates on who is the best pokemon ever along with the discussion of finding your true spirit animal... mines a freakin penguin or is it a hippo? watever.

thats it for another entry of...(insert name here) still need to figure out a name for my blog AND for my podcast which is in development.

we are so freaking close i can taste it...and it taste alittle like a freaking awesome idea...with a hint of lemon... gotta love the lemon!

So check back tomorrow for a new entry for which the topic is unclear at the moment...don't worry school really gets the juices running...then it slows it down and then i just take a nap then i wake up and give you BLOG DELICIOUSNESS!

thanks for reading and don't forget to tell your friends to check us out and help us out!


P.S Enjoy the new banner!

Online forums strike again!

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Posted by Crabba22 - August 30th, 2009




Thanks to everyone who visited my page it is well appreciated...just keep at it and we'll be live on the air soon

so as you can tell by the title i have changed up the subject for disscussion

i said i was gonna write about online forums and how they aren't nice but i came back from this birthday party and i think some things need to be obviously pointed out.

dont worry i will do the next entry on online forums im just in the moment right now and so here goes

so today was my friend, aaron's birhday party. and i really haven't been able to go previous years, but this year i was able to come. so i go with a friend who decides to go fashionably late together. and we go and everyone is in the pool. now first off. when there are a fair decent amount of people at a party your gonna get certain personalities mixed together. your not always gonna be around a whole bunch of friendly people and more often then not there are gonna be some people you just plain wanna stab with a cake fork. tensions will sometimes rise and there is going to be a sense of awkwardness.

so im at this party and instantly i could seperate the types of people.

-the all around fun guy-
this guy is usually one of the first people there and is ready to party. he knows how to have fun but knows not to get too crazy. everyone accepts him except for those people who are enemies of enthusiasim.

-The guy who really didn't want to come-
this is the guy who will most likely be lounging near the chip bowl all by him/her self and won't really engage in conversation with anyone. they usually will step out side for a smoke or somehting and not really be part of the festivites. They most definetly dont go off to play rock band and sing there heart out to Bon Jovi's Livin on a Prayer.

-the douchebag-
this guy just overall sucks. he probably is friends with someone who is attending and is most likely just a tag along. this person is very jerk like and has to criticize about everyones behavior and has to drag the party mood down to hostile mode. but you know F*CK' UM im here to have fun so screw you!

-The couple-
now there is always one of these. this is the couple that are dating and decide to attend the party together. most of the time one was invited and the other just tagged along. now the bad part about this is that they will be seen snuggling and making out EVERYWHERE! they don't know when to stop or respect the fact that they are not there for them, they are there to celebrate the birth of someone. these people usually make the party a little more awkward then it has to be.

-The guy who trys to get some-
this guy usually is the one who talks to all the girls and trys to basically get some. the definition is self explanatory. they bug every girl and try to get all up in there grill. they will usually do weird shit to bug the girl and make the girl awkward etc. this is different when you see two people that know each other, though this guy usually doesn't know the girl very well and usually is just barely meeting the girl for the first time.

-guy who eats all the food-
now i really did not see anyone like this at the party, but they do appear alot. they are usually reall fat or one of those in training atheletes. they will just spend all there time just gorging themselves and will sometimes push the lower weaker life forms for the bigger peice of cake. they sometimes will result in tackling or using utensils as weapons to get to their overall goal... the biggest peice of ice cream cake!

-the crazy guy-
this guy took the party over the top. they will jump up and down and usually be a hyper active. now these people are not always bad as some of them know how to think up new and creative things to do. im talking about the really crazy guy that you never invite again. they will start lighting things on fire, be hoggin all the soda, and be breaking lamps, the works, and constantly yelling.

So recently i was reminded of a catagory i missed to mention...so thanks to Mallory Kraus for notifing my of this mistake...LOOK I PUT IT UP!
The hooker
She's that girl that is constantly rubbing against everyone and always seems to make some lewd reference to her boobs and or her nether region. she will most likley be the one flirting alot and eventually will either start dancing like a exotic dancer (that means stripper) or end up removing some item of clothing WHICH IS BAD! acted civilized will ya! (thanks to mallory for bringing this catagory up, whhy didn't i think of it before?

So thats really all the people invloved at a birthday party. now there obviously more types out there and im open to comments on any type ive missed. not to mention the kind of people you see in a club setting. all i know is that the party was bomb and i sung my heart out to livin on a prayer! Halo was fun too. Madden was gay.

PArties are fun and i suggest attending one yourelf to get the full experience. or you can lie saying it's your birthday so you can just go nutz with people at your house.

so thats the end of yet another blog entry... maybe i should give this blog a certain name...ill think of something. well thanks again for reading and keep checking back here FREAKIN MADE A DIME which is the coolest thing to happen so far. plus its free. so tell your friends and hopefully i can name this blog to make it a little more attractive. feel free to comment any blog topics and i guess ill see you next post

this didn't happen at the party... but is should have!!

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Posted by Crabba22 - August 28th, 2009

ok so i have my banner set up with some random sounding quotes on it and will be changing it hopefully everyweek. so here, we go being single, the good, the bad, and the sexy.

So we all know that at the age of... well high school age... we are not always going to be with someone, unless your like ultimately sexy and go through chicks like tissues or your like some weird girl who needs to be in a relationship to survive. Anyway, at one point we were single and actually able to recognize this fact. (everyone was single when you were born unless you think that time the hot nurse who cleaned you up and touched your junk... was a relationship... well then you have to reevalutate the definition of the word "realtionship")

So what do you do when your single... well heres a list

-Play violent video games WHENEVER YOU WANT!
-jerk off*
-eat alot
-hang with your bro's
-hit on alot of girls
-look at porn
-cry in your room cause your single
-get fat
-punch kittens*
-turn gay
-kill gays*
-kill terrorist*
-sleep more
-mail order bride
-actually look for a girl friend
*the author suggest practing certain single activites less than others for your own benifit and the safety of others as well as the safety of the United States.*

so the list goes on. Now playing violent video games whenever you want sounds liek a good deal. BUT i dont know about you but some of this crap can get really boring and sometimes it is just plain unhealthy and ilegal. so when do you know its time to not be single
When your penis says so???
No, in my case its time to actually make some mega effort to look for a girlfriend, when you start getting really lonely...or start feeling these certain symptoms
symptoms include

-yearning for female company
-talking with alot of girls
-trying to impress girls ...ALL THE TIME!
-start missing the feeling of a girls hand intertwinded with yours.
-wanting to compliment females all the time
-wanting to hug...ALOT!

if these symptoms apply to you your porbably single or really emo in a weird way.
as you can tell im single and im not enjoying it Im sick of it! if you feel this way i can think of some solutions right on the spot right now

-you can date
now dating means you can go out and just hang out with a girl and spend time together. Now dont go calling it a date to everyone cause then you just get tazed. it also helps not to be all up in that girls junk. you should have also know the girl prior to the date Random strangers will half the time just kick you in the nutz or laugh in your face
-go clubbing
for the kind of guy who is willing to risk gettin herpesor worse for companionship
-get instantly sexy
its called plastic surgery or wearing a really cool tie and or hat
Getting rid of your enormous fat flap will help too. excersising will help too. Bonus points if your black or a minority
just walk to a girl and initiate conversation. if she starts acting like a bitch ...F*CK' UM go on to the next one and start the process untill she starts being intrested wearing a distracting hat helps
-be friends with girl
just go out there and be a friendly guy to girls. talk to them and be there for them if your friends with alot of girls one of them is bound to like you. MAKE SURE your not TOO freindly, then your just stuck in the friend zone forever. be spontaneous and romantic

so obviously some of these solutions should be taken at face value and some are just to mess with you to see if you would do it. But the most important thing is to have faith and never give up.
God has chosen the right companion for you. its our jobs to go find her. meaning you shouldn't go sit in a closet all day and play Halo and pee in a soda bottle and crap in a bowl. dont be afraid to go out there and BE YOURSELF!

i cannot emphasize this enough if you act fake you will have problems later when looking for a permanant companion!

So what have we learned....
being single has its ups and downs.
being single will get to you eventually unless your a monk then your fine
turning instantly sexy will change your myspace status from "single" to "in a relationship"

well i guess thats it. thanks for reading and make sure you come back here for my next topic

Online forums...they're not nice.

feel free to comment and cry and/or criticize

NOw a video to help ease the pain

plz dont stoop down this low. Even if your really lonely or just need money for a lazer cannon...but martial arts training should be a plus.

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Posted by Crabba22 - August 27th, 2009

Ok so we all know that the U.S is in an economic struggle and that it pretty much is suck right now. well some people right now might say "oh its not affecting me cuase im freakin 17 years or younger" WEll im telling you it is totally wrong it is all a LIE! it can affect younger peeps. let me give you an example. now since im pretty much unemployed which sucks! i depend on my parents to give me money. and knowing my parents, they don't give out free hand out/stimulus checks to me. so that pretty much means i have to earn my money. so i do chores... mow the lawn, take out the trash. i get about 5 bucks everytime i mow the lawn. now since im horrible at saving money i told my dad " hey dad would you mind not paying me my money up front and maybe hold it for me?" so now my dad is my personal bank... LITERALLYand my earnings are now what i like to call Father credits. Heres the problem. the raise in bills and the economy sucking is really affecting my family ( nearly 500 bucks for electricity!) so things are pretty tight. im like "oh thats ok i can survive without having to eat out alot and have to do my homework by the light emminating from my body heat." when i go to redeem my father credits though... well i really cant right now. they are tight on cash right now, so im tight on cash right now. IT SUCKs! so im going through some depression right now... and i dont mean money wise. im actually feeling a little depressed due to the fact that i have no money. got my depression beard going on. So since im a poor bum now i'm resorting new tactics to get money. Unfortunatly i havn't thought of any. On top of THATme and my friend are trying to start a podcast and we need mics, and mics cost money. and i really dont want my friend to have to pay for crap just cause he has a job and i don't. i wanna pay my dues and build the show from the ground up. so really im stuck and being stuck really sucks!!! i have so much bottled up rantyness that it is slowly turning me into a ... idk maybe ill turn into a crab... and since im a little jewish that will make me the crabbai! so i think i have some sort of solution. im doing this blog in order to entertain people off my school and etc. and (hopefully) in return they click on those fabulous ads on my page where this blog is displayed and i can get some revenue coming in so i can start funding the podcast to hopefully be live and broadcasting soon. so if you enjoyed my rantyness plz comment if your a member to this site, and make sure to come back and read my next entry hopfully talking about being single. id admit that, that is a topic ive been meaning to talk about in a while but always seem to stray away from. well thats the end now for a funny video .

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Ok so this is obviously not from this presidence but replace bush with Obama and you have exactly how i feel right about now!

Posted by Crabba22 - April 22nd, 2009

have you ever cared about some one deeply, and you liked this person alot, but felt like you were invisible to them. like they don't care if you help or not. she's tearing me apart...can't you see that i care about you so much

Posted by Crabba22 - April 1st, 2009

OK china is cool and all

but this is getting a liitle too carried away...

i'm scared....
make the asains go away...


Posted by Crabba22 - March 4th, 2009

We do not meet ordinary people... you never met a mere mortal. You have either met immortal horrors or eternal splendors.
- C.S.Lewis

what does this mean to you... comment.

Posted by Crabba22 - October 20th, 2008


NOBAMA 2008!

Posted by Crabba22 - October 2nd, 2008

well thats all ten of my school blog posts hope i got a good grade as well as some new viewers to my site got to bri9ng people into newgrounds somehow. well i realy just wann chill right now i got in so much trouble for being on the computer every day i guess ill listen to wreckless media radio today at 7 wrecklessmediaradio.com

ill input this pic of a movie poster for a movie that i want to see so bad.

im Finally finished