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"Whent the bullets start flying...hit the deck." -Ryan Yap/ asian...guy

Age 32, Male


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Mind Implosion: Emotions...The Caged Beasts Within

Posted by Crabba22 - September 26th, 2009

Scene opens...mist is everywhere...

then its just you...you open your eyes, and you realize your strapped to a medical bed.

You notice a man with a lab coat...his eyes only visible

You hear him say "Begin the procedure."

your eyes widen and a shockwave goes through your whole body as your mind turn inside out...

This...is Mind Implosion


So here is the dealio... alot of crap has been going on and i kinda got side tracked, sorry in advance...now i bring you an extra special...extra juicy, video AND image combo of Mind Implosion!

So as i said my week hasn't been going that great...girl trouble...people annoying me...my own thoughts betraying me...you know the regular stuff.

As i lay on my bed facing my ceiling, alone with my thoughts...out of no where it hits me.
This short burst of rage and emotion. i sit up...and i try to wonder what jsut happened. it felt like something was trying to break out of me...like the aliens from Aliens. no assure you all this was all just mental and emotional feeling...i did not really jolt up with the feeling like some parasite was growing inside me.

That day i realized that my emotions have been left inside me to fester into this thing. Figuretively speaking of course.

Emotions are the essence of the human soul. it is one of the many things that seperate us from other beings. after much thought and anaylzaton. i have come to the conclusion that your emotions...if left uncheck can form into this thing that you may not like.

i have so many example to this feeling i just hope that i can get to all of them. sorry if most of them are video game realated or movie related.

I want to introduce this idea of your emotional self.

Im not talking about your more sensitive side or your more emo persona...im talking about the person that your emotions embody. This emotional being...is your ideal person...like in the matrix...it is what your mind percieves as your ideal self. it has every quality that you wish you had. you can go even further to say that it might dress a certain way and its personallity differs from yours.

Now im not talking about multiple personalities disorder..but the way people wear mask all the time...i would say that everyone has multiple personalities disorder.

Now your emotional self never "shows" up physically...so you won't talk to yourself or anything like that. to make this a little easier to understand...i would say your "darker side" is what im talking about. Darker does not mean evil really. I think everyone has another side to them that really comes out when emotions are surpressed. Like for me...my other side is one who really just doesn't care...its not all about jokes and laughter like me, it wants to outrage and burst out in a rampage. the est way to describe my other side is a combination of Kratos' intesity from god of war...along with the philosophical intensity of Morpheus from the Mtrix along with the dark rage of Dark Jak from jak and daxter maybe some cool colective ness of bruce lee... but now im just making my other side look really cool.

YOur all probably think im crazy now " this guy has another personality...he's nuts"
everyone has an alter ego...the one that they picture themselves...thier ideal mental projection.

You might not always personify your emotions as one being. they might come out individually. Rage might let loose and then your a machine unstoppable, saddness might take over and your the epidimy of emo...the cutting kind, happy ness might just overwhelm you and you start acting like some kids show mascot...barney perhaps? YOu just might have those days when one emotions rules over the rest of the body. whats really important is that your never give it full control. Since im emboding emotions...i would say each individual emotion can't think properly, rash, and unreasaonble...as i said they are there own person. Its imperitive that you never lose sight of who you are.

YOur main self, is who has control...you can't let the control loose to your combinde emotion persona, and you can't just give the controls to one specific emotion....why do you think we have emos and anger management jerks? Its important not to let Tyler Durden Win (HA Fight club reference...TAKE THAT JENNY AND KAMERIN!)

The solution to this emotional imbalence...its our job as the individual to take control and either defeat the unessecary emotions like fear and cowardice, and keep them in check. we also need to try and express your ideal self on a physical level...now if your other side is rambo and likes to kill people...i don't suggest you go and rip someones throat off. we need to take control of it grab it by the throat and take the things we need. take the strengthe that eludes you, take the courage that you fail to find, take the ability to stand up on your own when you lie face down in the dirt, take the rage and anger and turn it into something productive when you punch kids teeth out.

i guess thats it...i really have no idea why i went with this topic...maybe it is just me who's feelign conflicted. i feel like my inner self wants to just freaking go berserk. go God of War on every problem.Let the rage flow out and obliterate everyone.

but i don't...i know who i am... its my job to keep my chakra in check (naruto reference stupid i know)

Never lose sight of who you are...even when your emotions confilict with each other. mind of a jedi...(HA starwars reference!)

I guess this kinda has to do with the made interviews at school. MTV's MAde came to our school to do interveiws...i guess i reall wanted to be made into some one who knows no limits... a kickboxer/MMA fighter/ninja/God of War/ All around bad ass...but im not one to be a bad ass...one can be too bad ass.

Thanks for tolerating a very emotional Edition of Mind Implosion. sorry if it got too weird or something...just wanted to vent i guess... i had a point in there somewhere?

YOu know what next entry ill be more funny so i can get over my retarded state. Just gotta grow a depression beard and your emotions won't bother you.


Speaking of god of war here is the tralier for the third installment...im so freakin excited! now if only i had money to get a PS3. *if you can't see the video in HD i recomend you go to youtube directly to watch it is is freaking amazing!

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Mind Implosion: Emotions...The Caged Beasts Within


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