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"Whent the bullets start flying...hit the deck." -Ryan Yap/ asian...guy

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Crabba22's News

Posted by Crabba22 - October 1st, 2008

It has finally come... the end of the book! i was able to finally read the rest of the book during my half day of school today. it was quite a surprise and a let down as well. it seems that the showdown i predicted did not happen but the whole chase scene at the island was very satisfying. so Porthos is dead and now D'Artganan is resigning from the musketeers he starts to argue with the king and is protesting to spare the lives of his friends. so then we shift gears and go to a scene with Athos at his estate. then a messenger goes to his house. the message he is carrying is that his son Roaul has died in Africa as predicted. i guess he has had enough and is so broken hearted that he dies. then we shift back to D'Artganan and he is reenlisted by the king and the book ends...??? what? what is that? is it really gonna end like that well im not done, there is still the epiloque. im gonna say this once WARNING! SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! THE NEXT SECTION INCLUDES THE ULTIMATE ENDING OF THE BOOK SO IF YOU DONT WANT ME TO SPOIL THE BOOK FOR YOU STOP READING NOW!. skip to the overview.

Ok so i start to read the epilogue and then the title reads the death of D'Artagnan... im like OMG holy crap everyone dies. it opens up where it tells of the rest of D'Artganan life. it covers over his victorious seiges and campaigns. then he is at a siege cannons blowing everywhere everything is blowing up and Chaos everywhere. so D'Artganan gets a message from the king staing that he has been promoted to Marshall. then all of a sudden BOOM a cannon ball bust through the wall and hits D'Artganan straight in the chest. he is all shocked at first and thinks hes all right but then there is blood everywhere and all the officers are screaming and he dies... now only one musketeer remains.

so over all this book was totally a worthy read. lots of action and suspense. only problem is that of the mindless and useless content. in the end none of it mixed up to the end or revealing any truths. some questions i still have is What Happened to Aramis??? i guess he escaped the island and stuff and he is the last of the original musketeer. last but not least the most important and confusing question is What of the Man in the iron mask? was he a crucial character? what was his role?? i honestly think he was simple a means to and end. in the afterword it explains that he was just a means to an end. and supposedly the title of the book was originally suppose to be The Last of the Musketeers so that would make more sense to name the book that instead of the man in the iron mask. so in the end it was a good read as well as a tiresome one and i wish the ending would of been different. ugh what to do now... TIME TO PLAY GAMES!

my final picture :(

School Blog: Episode 10 the finale... it all comes to a close.

Posted by Crabba22 - September 30th, 2008

SO i read a couple extra chapters and i am astounded at what i read it was just simply awesome. D'artagnan is betrayed by the king after he is to go arrest Aramis and Porthos. and Aramis and Porthos fight back when they realize that D'Artagnan is not going to bail them out. they start fighting there way out of the citadel. they cut down over a hundred of the kings men. they are so discriptive like you can actually see them cut the soldiers through. it was such an awesome chapter. they really are determined to flee and get away. they fight hard long and valiantly. they eventually travel underground to a grotto and try to escape to this boat. they are running away and killing people at the same time and it is just freakin awesome. then there is this big group of soldiers coming at them and they reach the boats but for some reason they wont leave in time with out fighting them. so Porthos takes on for the team and grabs this huge barrel of gun powder and leaves a little trail to it and its leaking everywhere. so the soldiers rush in and BOOM Porthos throws this huge barrel at them killing a few of them and lights the trail of gunpowder... now more soldiers are coming he needs to get out of there. so he starts running and Aramis is telling him to hurry up. then his knees give way. he cant get up and he is struggling to move but he can't then the barrel explodes... it was too late. but Porthos is still alive but huge boulders are falling everywhere and he is pushing them aside with his massive arms. then it comes down to him holding two boulders in each arm pushing them away and a big bolder on his shoulders... then this huge rock comes crashing down on him. he gives way from the weight and dies. i was like OMG this is so tragic although Porthos was not a key player of the conspiracy he was the confused guy that did not know what was going on but he fought to the end to help Aramis escape. i read this and this guy must of been pretty ripped to through this heavy barrel and hold up three huge boulders up. but even muscular people die. but he was crushed to death that must really suck. So Aramis is broken hearted and he is unsure if he can escape now. meanwhile back in France, D'artaganan is being taken away to receive judgement from the king. you see he went to arrest Aramis and Porthos and then he gets orders from this officer stating that once he arrests them he is no longer in charge and all prisoner will be shot. he is afraid for his friends and is shocked to be stabbed in the back by the king who he has stayed loyal to for the longest time. this has got to be the best part of the book so much plot twist and action... plenty of violence. i really cant wait until the end I'm gonna get as much reading as i can for the last entry. I'm actually deciding if i should give the ending away in the final entry or not. hm mm??? what to do? so other than that i really like the direction this book is going but i am so disappointed that one of the musketeers has died freakin damn shame.

School Blog: Episode 9 betrayal, action, chase scenes,plot twists, and death.

Posted by Crabba22 - September 29th, 2008

so I'm excited that i signed up to volunteer at the phoenix comicon this january i get to meet Lou Ferrigno. he played the incredible hulk back in the day. now i can get a jump start on my community service so i can graduate. in other news our economy sucks and i might not be able to go to college... but if it goes downhill tuition will lower so plus for me... but i really just freaked out a bit cause the economy has gotten really bad and there are so many things to worry about now we don't need more crap. so on to the book. yet another late night entry. So now every one is running away now. Fouquet has run away because he is a ruined man and decides to steal some money that the king has given him but the king sends a message saying he needs to collect... very pushy debt collector isn't he. and now some other people that i don't know of want to get Aramis arrested. they start talking about getting him arrested then they go "NO i wasn't thinking that." so im really confused right now im just kinda rolling with the flow of the story right now. hopefully all the musketeers jump all together to execute the final plan. in one chapter that i found interesting is when D'Artagnan was thinking about the possibility that he might have to go arrest Aramis. he seriously has doubts about betraying a friend but he is so loyal and intent on fulfilling the kings will. this makes him appear blind and somewhat ignorant, yet he is still a trusting friend since he does doubt his actions to do so. as for the king he is just pissed but he does not show it with angry outburst... he shows it with calm interjections... coming into the situation to form tension and arise complications and removing hope for the release of the prisoner. speaking of the prisoner, i honestly think he is giving up. he is starting to think that there is no hope and that he must accept his fate. yeah that's not gonna happen. or will it???

well here is a pic that is self explanatory... yeah that's a musketeer blogging on the internet.

School Blog: Episode 8... everyone is running away.

Posted by Crabba22 - September 29th, 2008

alright gotta make this quick since i have to eat in a couple of minutes not to mention that im not allowed on the computer so i gotta finish up before my dad beats me with a toaster. so i read on and now Raoul is ha left for Africa and D'Artagnan is left to deliver a message to his fiance. he needs to go back anyway since the king requested his presence. so he does not have to watch over the prisoner any longer. once he gets there all the snooty ladies and snooty guys are chatting it up in a parlor. they start bringing up the Africa campaign and so D'artagna must deliver the message. so she walk up to him and asks if Raoul really did shove off to Africa. emotionless he replies that he did. she is shocked and storms off. as she storms off the king walks in. He talk to D'Artagnan about the whole ordeal... how did the transport go? where there any complications? stuff like that. D'artagnan did bring up that this fisherman who they were gonna borrow his boat went crazy and pulled a sword on D'Artagnan and that the Iron masked prisoner stood in the way to defend him. The king go all pale from this news, probably feeling resentment and guilt for imprisoning a good person... his own frig-en brother for Gosh sake! so i was surprised to hear that as well i i really could not tell if Phillipe (Guy in the iron Mask) was really good or bad.. he was neutral. i want to say he is ambiguous but there is no evidence pointing to him being bad. just neutral. so that's all right now ill read more after i eat and try to fit in more... i have so much energy right now i just drank me a Japanese soda i got from the Asian market... that thing is just liquid sugar with a melon flavoring... it is still good though. alright peace. since this what i read had a lot to do with D'Artagnan i found a article all about him.
http://www.sirclisto.com/cavalier/dart agnan.html

this is a cartoon pic of D'Arganan from the cartoon The three musketeers on the Banana Splits Show.

School Blog: Episode 7 more random stuff.

Posted by Crabba22 - September 29th, 2008

alright back from my meeting which i fell asleep almost half way through it. so i was able to read some chapters and it kinda perked up a bit from the boring slump. so Athos and his son Roaul (yeah i found out he Athos son) they are going to the jail where the prisoner is being moved they are walking and they see a old silver platter with a message saying carved in saying: "I am the brother of the king of France- a prisoner today- a madman tomorrow. French gentlemen and Christians, pray to God for the soul and the reason of the son of your masters." so they start to read it and they here a cry coming from a tower and they hit the deck as a musket barrel shoots at them and the bullet embeds itself in a rock six inches away. Right there i was like... WOAH. one minute observing a suspicious plate the next people are shooting at you. so apparently the warden is supposed to shoot any one who comes in contact with the prisoner. D'Artagnan mediates and they go on into the prison with the warden. as they hide in the shadows the prisoner is taken into the prison and Athos gets a glimpse of him. a man dressed in all black and a iron mask over his face. Now we get to the whole title reference. That's all i read so far. i really think that the author puts in seamless boring bits into the story to put the reader at ease so he can later surprise them with a twist in the story or a bit of action. it made me want to read over it just so i knew what just happened. now i really want to finish this book even more. the story gets better and better. increasing intensity as well as suspicion and mystery. some of the questions that come to mind right now are: What happened to Aramis? Will Athos and his son join with the conspiracy? will D'Artagnan join as well? what am i gonna have for breakfast tomorrow? hopefully i can get some of these questions answered soon especially the last one... breakfast is the most important meal of the day. well its off to bed with me i am so tired but then i remember that i have to wake up at 5 o'clock tomorrow. oh well goodnight world Peace.

by the way that is supposed to be Athos tried to leave with a little humor today... sorry no article link today. :(

School Blog: Episode 6, im tired yet i must read on

Posted by Crabba22 - September 28th, 2008

yeah i just came back from this Asian market and now i smell like fish and i am not in the greatest of moods. on top of that i have to do three post all in one day cause i forgot to do my posts for Thursday and Friday and stuff. so really after Aramis and Porthos run off, Athos is left to contemplate his own problems. he worries that he will be involved with this conspiracy.. which he obviously is. so then his servant Roaul decides he wants to go to Africa to help out with the campaign. i guess it is when everyone wanted a piece of Africa or something ill get a article about it. well it really is just boringness after that. he goes to this person he loves and tells her that he is going to Africa she freaks out and tells him that Africa is the place where you go to die or whatever. so she is worried but Roaul downtrottedly goes anyway... this is gonna be short cause i have to go to a meeting right now. (yes i do go to meetings) ill be back on to do two other posts as well as some newly read content. right peace.

Posted by Crabba22 - September 25th, 2008

OK so i just finished watching the first episode of season three of heroes and now i am fully a fan of the show. pretty sweet stuff. any who, lets get on with today's task of blogging of the contents of my independent reading book: THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK! well i think I'm half way through and it is kind confusing again. like we get a glimpse of action, some betrayal and then BOOM... back to boring snooty chatter. so Philippe, he is the lost prince who took his brother's place, is doing a pretty good job in assuming his brothers identity. all is going well he confronts his mother and everyone is fooled. he gets nervous a bit when he has to meet the queen, his brothers wife, but he dodged the bullet when he discovers she had other matters to attend to. so they are all there and Phillipe is just flaunting and experimenting with his new power. he says he is gonna change some people in his court... kinda like how i want to kick out the entire democratic congress:) and decides to fire a couple of tractors dignitaries. all seems well when the real king, who recently escaped comes out of nowhere from a secret passage. everyone freezes... all is silent...AWKWARD! so the king is pissed at how his mom and all his court where so easily deceived. now Phillipe is in real trouble then a notice comes. an order from the king. Phillipe is to be sent to a distant place and on his face a iron mask must be placed and if he tries to take it off he will be killed instantly. now that's where the title kicks in. so Phillipe is hoping that Aramis will come to get him out of this predicament. well the next chapter has Aramis and Porthos galloping about 40 miles away from the apartment. they keep running in hopes they will not get stopped by the kings royal guard. when they stop, they arrive at the fourth musketeers house,Athos. now all the characters are accounted for. Athos greets them and through out the chapter he talks about how the king somehow stole his daughter from him. i guess he fell in love with her and took her away from Athos without his permission. i think that Aramis still has much planned still. still more tricks up his sleeve. he planned to get found out, and i guess i'm gonna find out how it unfolds. I'm getting more into this book knowing how much is being revealed and all the suspicion and deception throughout each chapter. but i still kinda felt like putting it aside maybe its because i just watched heroes. as for some dislikes, not much now, basically just the level of diction they are using combined with mindless chatter is basically it. guess that's it for today. off to the world which is the internet.

School Blog: Episode 4 whats going on??

Posted by Crabba22 - September 24th, 2008

Honestly i can say, oreos are the best brain food. typing a blog while eating oreos and listening to offensive web radio. so on to the book. well today after reading sneaky plot twists as well as mindless chatter, i finally got a taste of action! but i need to tell you all the stuff... that happened in between. so the real king is in jail, the lost king is free. so now after the king goes crazy after being in a jail cell. now D'Artagnan must attend to the matter of arresting monsieur Fouquet. so the chapter focuses on fouquets realization of his arrest and with all seriousness D'Artagnan tells him he is a light sleeper and will know if he picks up the keys or exits through a door or secret passage. morning comes and all night Fouqet can not sleep. then Aramis comes to his room to discuss matters. after D'Artagnan leaves he just spills his guts.. but not all at once he spins it in a way that requires him to think about what is happening and he eventually figures out the conspiracy. at first Fouqet is appalled by this realization then he goes of having concern over his honor and tells Aramis he needs to get out of the country because he is going to free the king and redeem his honor. this is where the action comes in. now Fouquet races to the Bastille and asks for entry. he is denied entry and totally gets pissed and grabs a pike and shanks the guard and then an officer rushes him and he shanks him too. now the prison is totally aware and the guard starts to converge on his location. then all is still the warden recognizes him and asks him whats up. he asks of Aramis doings in the prison and goes to free the king. he hears yells and thumps on the cell door and opens the door. well that's all I've read so far. i really enjoy that we finally get a glimpse of action. i kinda feel that it took a while,but i guess it was all leading up to it. i really did not see forquet betraying Aramis. it kinda just hit me with no warning. i thought he would join him with his conspiracy but i guess. not well still looking forward to this showdown i predicted, but now i think it will just be a showdown between the original musketeers and the kings forces. until next time. PEACE. here is a link i searched under musketeers in history these guys supposedly were real.http://www.leruepress.com/History %20of%20Musketeers.html

School Blog: Episode 3 first taste of ACTION!

Posted by Crabba22 - September 23rd, 2008

Once again we gather around the screen to discuss the independent reading project of the ages. Well for this episode i basically gonna answer my questions from the previous entry, as well give me critic of my readings not to mention some inserted video or picture mixed in with some mindless chatter. well i was sitting in 4th hour today reading my book. all is fine and i notice that my chair starts squeaking like mad i start worrying that it will collapse under me. i however was able to get some interesting reading done. so i find out that it is the french throne That Aramis is fighting for (by the way aramis is one of the retired musketeers) ok so im at chapter... hold on let me check...um...chapter 19! and so much has happened. for starters the king was arrived at the home where this fancy scmancy party is gonna tale place. instantly the host starts sucking up to him. i kinda find that weak of him (his name is Fouquet) but it makes sense, i mean, the king is staying at your house you want him to feel comfortable and satisfied or your head is gonna get chopped off. so apparently his sucking up doesn't work. You see he starts to get a little friendly with the kings wife i guess. she visits him and they chat forever. so the king gets pretty pissed and throws a temper tantrum. so im think "what a immature little punk" but wait it gets better. so he is pissed at this guy right and now he is willing to get him arrested and when the captain of the guard asks him why (D'Artagnan) he says " since when is the kings word not enough for you" yeah so skipping ahead after this whole ordeal the king is kidnapped! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! by some mysterious guys with masks. at first he thinks its a dream but then he ends up in the Bastille. whats funny is that when aramis forged release papers to break the lost prince out he comes back revealing that it was a mistake and came back to reincarcerate him. yeah so aramis planned thi out thoroughly which i the great thing about a Dumas book always with the plot twists and you know obscured endings. so the real king is incarcerated and takes his brothers place in the cell. he freaks out and trys everything to escape. so now im thinking that the freed prince will slowly start taking things away from his life eventually becoming him completely. so lots of twists and turns still waiting on that showdown other than that thats it just gotta keep reading. now to see what picture or article i can insert here. here we go check this site out. it ties in the events in the book with some facts.

School Blog: Episode 2 the plot thickens and stuff

Posted by Crabba22 - September 22nd, 2008

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alright alright lets get down to brass tacks... k i finished eating my oreos so i guess i should get on to doing this school blog for a book im reading. AHEM! attention class! alright so ive read the count of Monte Cristo, which by the way ended up being an awesome book and movie.so i pick up another Dumas classic and im already up to chapter ten so im gonna sum it up... by the way this is a good flash site so ill find some funny videos to incorporate with my blog... blog such a weird word for the closet that people who are afraid to speak their minds in public run to hide.... anyway i start reading the book, apparently this is a sequel to his previous work the three musketeers so instead of reading that, so im not lost, i decided to go see the Disney movie with mickey Donald and goofy... yeah it sucked so i searched the three musketeers on this site and some guy had the patience to make a flash of the three musketeers. i don't really know if i can show this in class cause they say F*** like three times but its funny put this in your url (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /439979). anyway back to the man in the iron mask, scene opens up in the Bastille. Aramis, one of the original three musketeers well i guess there was four, goes to the prison as a confessor a some what of a priest like person. the prisoner he visits is the long lost heir to the Throne. i have not figured out which throne exactly but im getting to that. so as i read on i get the same impression i got from reading count of Monte Cristo, as the story progresses Dumas adds in these events or scenes that, at first seem meaningless but past experience tell me that all will be revealed and will tight in together at the end. i like how Dumas keeps to his original style but i could do without some of the meaningless chatter the characters give. one scene it is Porthos and D'Arthagnan (yeah ther is a G in his name) and throughout Porthos continuously forgets the tailors name implying different names that supposedly help him remember but after like a bajillion names later he remembers. i got frustrated but gave a slight chuckle at the end. Right now im at the part where Aramis has sprung the lost prince i think his name is Philippe idk yet and now he tells him the plan.. on how to get on the throne. last thing i read was that of the current king arriving to this house were a big royal party is gonna take place. so i honestly think that there will be a showdown with Aramis and D'artagnan well cause the text hints to it and the back cover synopsis says so too"But a daring jailbreak, a brilliant masquerade, and a bloody fight for the throne may make aramis betray his sacred vow of all for one and one for all pitting musketeer against musketeer." yeah i know i spelt musketeer wrong like twice.so join me next time in my journey to complete my independent reading assignment... yep now time for a nap. Oh i embedded the trailer for the movie got to see that!

School blog: Episode 1 EXTRA PROFANITY! jk