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"Whent the bullets start flying...hit the deck." -Ryan Yap/ asian...guy

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Birthday Parties and the people you see at them.

Posted by Crabba22 - August 30th, 2009




Thanks to everyone who visited my page it is well appreciated...just keep at it and we'll be live on the air soon

so as you can tell by the title i have changed up the subject for disscussion

i said i was gonna write about online forums and how they aren't nice but i came back from this birthday party and i think some things need to be obviously pointed out.

dont worry i will do the next entry on online forums im just in the moment right now and so here goes

so today was my friend, aaron's birhday party. and i really haven't been able to go previous years, but this year i was able to come. so i go with a friend who decides to go fashionably late together. and we go and everyone is in the pool. now first off. when there are a fair decent amount of people at a party your gonna get certain personalities mixed together. your not always gonna be around a whole bunch of friendly people and more often then not there are gonna be some people you just plain wanna stab with a cake fork. tensions will sometimes rise and there is going to be a sense of awkwardness.

so im at this party and instantly i could seperate the types of people.

-the all around fun guy-
this guy is usually one of the first people there and is ready to party. he knows how to have fun but knows not to get too crazy. everyone accepts him except for those people who are enemies of enthusiasim.

-The guy who really didn't want to come-
this is the guy who will most likely be lounging near the chip bowl all by him/her self and won't really engage in conversation with anyone. they usually will step out side for a smoke or somehting and not really be part of the festivites. They most definetly dont go off to play rock band and sing there heart out to Bon Jovi's Livin on a Prayer.

-the douchebag-
this guy just overall sucks. he probably is friends with someone who is attending and is most likely just a tag along. this person is very jerk like and has to criticize about everyones behavior and has to drag the party mood down to hostile mode. but you know F*CK' UM im here to have fun so screw you!

-The couple-
now there is always one of these. this is the couple that are dating and decide to attend the party together. most of the time one was invited and the other just tagged along. now the bad part about this is that they will be seen snuggling and making out EVERYWHERE! they don't know when to stop or respect the fact that they are not there for them, they are there to celebrate the birth of someone. these people usually make the party a little more awkward then it has to be.

-The guy who trys to get some-
this guy usually is the one who talks to all the girls and trys to basically get some. the definition is self explanatory. they bug every girl and try to get all up in there grill. they will usually do weird shit to bug the girl and make the girl awkward etc. this is different when you see two people that know each other, though this guy usually doesn't know the girl very well and usually is just barely meeting the girl for the first time.

-guy who eats all the food-
now i really did not see anyone like this at the party, but they do appear alot. they are usually reall fat or one of those in training atheletes. they will just spend all there time just gorging themselves and will sometimes push the lower weaker life forms for the bigger peice of cake. they sometimes will result in tackling or using utensils as weapons to get to their overall goal... the biggest peice of ice cream cake!

-the crazy guy-
this guy took the party over the top. they will jump up and down and usually be a hyper active. now these people are not always bad as some of them know how to think up new and creative things to do. im talking about the really crazy guy that you never invite again. they will start lighting things on fire, be hoggin all the soda, and be breaking lamps, the works, and constantly yelling.

So recently i was reminded of a catagory i missed to mention...so thanks to Mallory Kraus for notifing my of this mistake...LOOK I PUT IT UP!
The hooker
She's that girl that is constantly rubbing against everyone and always seems to make some lewd reference to her boobs and or her nether region. she will most likley be the one flirting alot and eventually will either start dancing like a exotic dancer (that means stripper) or end up removing some item of clothing WHICH IS BAD! acted civilized will ya! (thanks to mallory for bringing this catagory up, whhy didn't i think of it before?

So thats really all the people invloved at a birthday party. now there obviously more types out there and im open to comments on any type ive missed. not to mention the kind of people you see in a club setting. all i know is that the party was bomb and i sung my heart out to livin on a prayer! Halo was fun too. Madden was gay.

PArties are fun and i suggest attending one yourelf to get the full experience. or you can lie saying it's your birthday so you can just go nutz with people at your house.

so thats the end of yet another blog entry... maybe i should give this blog a certain name...ill think of something. well thanks again for reading and keep checking back here FREAKIN MADE A DIME which is the coolest thing to happen so far. plus its free. so tell your friends and hopefully i can name this blog to make it a little more attractive. feel free to comment any blog topics and i guess ill see you next post

this didn't happen at the party... but is should have!!

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This is Brittany, my n***ah!
So where do me and mario fall into place? :p lol
cuz i know i totally tore up rock band!